Sunday 11 September 2011

Home Sweet Home

The problem with taking photos in Georgetown is that we have been warned not to show cameras or fancy phones on the street for fear of robbery.  Two of our party were mugged on the sea wall early one morning - they only lost a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and the robber offered them one of the cigarettes before wishing them a nice day!  Two young men also tried to snatch a bag from someone on a bike.  So be careful is the mantra ...  and don't walk around at night, and don't visit certain areas of the city... and use taxis to get around after dark.  That's not as bad as it sounds as taxi rides are £1 for up to 4 people to most places in the city - mini-buses are 20p per journey!

Meanwhile here is the full group at VSO Headquarters:

 We managed to get to the Botanical Gardens where there are manatees:

which are very hard to photograph!

We were unlucky to have to wait "a few days" before moving into our designated apartment so were billeted on a lovely Filipino volunteer called Miles:

  But her flat was very small and we were in a bedroom 7ft6in by 10ft6in with a double bed and wardrobe - we took turns to stand up.  So we moved in with a volunteer in our group - Carol - who had a bit more room.  Meanwhile the date of moving in to our apartment kept being put back and we were getting seriously stressed.

View from Carol's flat:


Talking to Carol's landlady, she mentioned that there was another flat in the same block which was vacant.  Although it costs more than VSO are willing to pay we have taken it, agreeing to pay the difference. So now we have finally moved into our own apartment, in a lovely wooden house in New Garden Street, in the Queenstown area of Georgetown.

View from our flat - omitting the razor wire and building site.

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